II |
Ulrich, Wiesmann, Hans Peter
264 p., 85
illus., 49 in colour, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-540-25347-1
1 Introduction
2 Bone and Cartilage
2.1 Bone Structure and Function
2.2 Matrix Mineralisation
2.3 Osteoblast Structure and Function
2.4 Osteoclast Structure and Function
2.5 Bone Regeneration
2.6 Cartilage Structure and Function
2.7 Chondrocyte Structure and Function
2.8 Cartilage Regeneration
2.9 Skeletal Biomechanics
2.10 Bone Biomechanics
2.11 Cartilage Biomechanic
3 Principles of Bone and Cartilage Reconstruction
3.1 Bone Repair Strategies
3.2 Cartilage Repair Strategies
3.3 Extracorporal Strategies
4 Cell Development, Cell Sources
4.1 Cell Development
4.2 Cell Sources
4.3 Genetically Modified Cell Lines
5 Harvesting and Cultivation
5.1 Marrow-derived Stem Cells
5.2 Determined Bone Cells
5.3 Determined Chondrogenic Cells
5.4 Osteoclasts
5.5 Endothelial Cells
5.6 Co-cultures
6 Materials
6.1 Synthetic Organic Materials
6.2 Synthetic Inorganic Materials
6.3 Natural Organic Materials
6.4 Natural Inorganic Materials
7 Cells/Surface Interactions
7.1 Protein Adsorption
7.2 Cell Adhesion
7.3 Surface Topography
7.4 Surface Chemistry
7.5 Induction of Mineralisation at Materials
7.6 Functional Aspects of Biomaterial/Cell Interactions
7.7 Surface Structuring
7.8 Surface Patterning
7.9 Peptide Adhesion
7.10 Protein Coatings
8 Bioreactors and Cell Stimulation
8.1 Bioreactors
8.2 Stimulation in Bioreactors
8.3 Biomagnetic and Bioelectric Stimulation in Bioreactors
8.4 Hormones and Cytokines
9 Scaffold Structure and Fabrication
9.1 Scaffold Structure
9.2 Scaffold Fabrication
9.3 Scaffold-free Micromass Units
10 Tissue Reconstruction in vivo
10.1 Animal Models used for Bone Tissue Engineering
10.2 Animal Models used for Cartilage Tissue Engineering
10.3 Clinical Applications
10.4 Immunological Aspects
11 Clinical Handling and Control
11.1 Regulatory Issues
12 Ethical Considerations in Bone
and Cartilage Tissue Engineering
13 Future Prospects
13.1 Customised Tissue Reconstruction
13.2 Vascularisation
13.3 Genetic Engineering
Subject Index