Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Editors: Meyer U., Handschel J., Meyer T., Wiesmann HP

Approx. 700 p., approx. 200 Table, 200 pictures (estimated 300 black/white, 80 coloured)

ISBN: - (Forthcoming)

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About this book
Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine provides a complete overview of the recent state of art in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. Tissue engineering has grown tremendously during the last decade. Advances in genetic medicine and stem cell technology have significantly improved the potential to influence cell and tissue performance and have recently expanded the field towards regenera-tive medicine. During the last years a number of approaches are used routinely in daily clinical practice, others have been introduced in clinical studies whereas a multitude are in the preclinical testing phase. There is a need to comprehensively provide detailed information for reserchers and clinicians on this rapidly expanding field. The book offers in one volume the prerequisites of a comprehensive understanding of the basic principles of cell and tissue growth, the approaches to applicate tissue enginnering techniques, as well as the clinical use in all different medical specialities, written by specialists of each discipline. One special focus is given on molecular and genetic treatment options, since these therapeutic options have seen the fastest growing advances. Additionally, as the clinical use of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine strategies in the various disciplines are described in detail, the book serves clinicians with timely information needed in recent practice.
Written for:
  • Tissue Engineers
  • Physicians (working in the field of e.g.: pediatrics, neurology, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery, general surgery, orthopaedic surgery, urology, plastic surgery, heart surgery, dermatology, eye surgery, dentistry, endocrinology)
  • Biologists
  • Material Scientists
  • Chemical Engineers
  • Biophysicists
  • Tissue engineering
  • regenerative medicine
  • genetic engineering
  • biomedicine